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Child Support Guidelines Updated at RI Family Court


Recently the Rhode Island Family Court updated its guidelines on calculating child support. This process occurs every 5 years or so and last change occurred in 2007. The intent of the guidelines is to make it easier and more predictable to establish a child support order. The courts do, however, have the authority to vary from these guidelines for good cause. The courts must clearly establish this good cause on the record in court.

Once the courts enter the child support orders, they are modifiable if there is a “significant change in circumstances” that occurs as it related to support.

Child Support Guidelines May Be Modified

An example of this is someone losing or gaining a job, or getting a significant pay raise. Another example is the release of these periodic updates to the child support guidelines.

The important takeaway here for Rhode Island child custody lawyers is that because of the updates if you have an order that needs review, but you don’t have that so-called “significant change” necessary (such as a small pay cut) you can now file to modify.

If you want to see what your RI child support order might look like under the new guidelines, try our child support calculator. Check and see if a change might be worth pursuing. If you need a modification, contact our Rhode Island child custody lawyer today for help.
