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Special Circumstances in Child Custody Cases


Child custody matters are difficult for some parents to think about. In a recent blog post, we discussed the effects that mental illness can have on child custody. This is only one consideration of these cases. Ultimately, the law charges the court to do whatever it thinks is in the child’s best interests.

Our attorney understands that you might have some questions and concerns about what might happen. We can look into your case and let you know what we think about it. You need help to find out what the law says and determine how that information can impact your case. And so, we will work hard to find ways that you can remain in your child’s life, even if you have special circumstances.

How RI Child Custody Law Applies

Rhode Island law doesn’t place an emphasis on what parents want for child custody cases. As a result, the court will place an emphasis on determining how various arrangements will impact the child. With this in mind, some circumstances, such as uncontrolled mental illness and known current drug abuse can lead to problems trying to get custody of your child. Grandparents visitation also presents its own unique set of circumstances.

Now, just because you have issues that might impact child custody doesn’t mean that you have to give up on your child. Instead, you might be able to look into getting supervised visitation so you can build a relationship with your child while you work on a plan to overcome the problems that you have.

Overall, we know that this probably isn’t exactly how you wanted the child custody case to go. But when there are special circumstances in child custody cases, it is imperative that your child remains safe and healthy throughout the child custody process.