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Alcoholism Affects Your Custody Case


Could you lose custody of your children over a drinking problem? Alcoholism and child custody don’t mix well.

If you’re in the middle of a divorce or are already divorced but have shared physical custody, alcohol addiction can become a significant issue in court.

Judges are expected to address every custody issue the same way — by asking what is in the child’s best interests. A drinking habit can negatively affect your behavior and your relationship with your child in a number of ways:

  • Your child may be conscious of your alcoholism and feel like you are not able to be emotionally present for him or her because of your addiction.
  • You may not have a great track record when it comes to making consistent parenting decisions. Does alcoholism has impaired your thinking when you are around your child?
  • Many alcoholics also have problems controlling their impulses. If you’ve allowed yourself to be physical, verbally or emotionally abusive to your child. This will most likely result in custody issues.
  • If you’ve had an arrest related to your alcohol consumption. As a result, your criminal law case will almost definitely affect your family court case.

Get Treatment for Alcoholism and Child Custody Issues Will Get Better

Just the same, it’s important to remember that you can do something to counteract any negative issues the court may see by being proactive. If you accept the fact that you have an alcohol addiction, voluntarily getting treatment. And get treatment for both the alcoholism itself and any underlying issues — like depression or anxiety. — that may have contributed to the alcoholism. This can go a long way toward convincing a judge that you deserve a chance.

Your next steps may include child custody mediation, and developing a parenting plan.

For more information on child custody issues, contact us today at (401) 305-2934.