Tips for When Ex Has the Kids


Shared custody may be fair, but it’s emotionally trying. You know that your ex deserves some time with the kids, but you don’t know what to do with yourself when they spend the week at his or her house. Your home just feels so empty when your ex has the kids.

It’s a common complaint from divorced parents. Below are a few tips that may help the emotional side of the process.

1. Invest your time in a hobby.

You feel the most anxious when you sit around thinking about the kids. Pick up a new hobby and put some serious time into it. It can be a distraction. You may even learn to enjoy your time alone when you’re doing something new.

2. Be with friends.

Another way to break up that alone time is simply to reconnect with your friends, siblings, or other family members. Maybe you spent the last few years almost exclusively with your ex and your kids, which is why it’s so hard to be by yourself. Expanding your social group can help.

3. Tackle those chores that you couldn’t do with kids.

One woman said that she learned to make the most of her time by painting her house. She’d wanted to do it, but it was hard to make it happen with young kids around. She was sad that they were gone for a few days, but it gave her a chance to knock that off of the list.

When Ex Has the Kids, Try to Work on Yourself

Throughout everything, always be sure that you understand your legal rights and what is in the best interests of your children. Let these factors guide your actions and decisions.

Source: Momtastic, “How I Survive Sharing Custody with my Ex-Husband,” Mandy Dawson, accessed Aug. 10, 2017