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Creating a Parenting Plan - Helpful Tips


One of the most difficult things co-parents deal with today is consistency. From enforcing rules and disciplining your child to tolerating behavior. And when co-parents are at the opposite end of the spectrum, the children quickly learn how to manipulate one parent to get what they want. They need help creating a parenting plan.

Tips for Creating a Parenting Plan That Works

Here are some tips to help co-parents create an effective parenting plan that is consistent no matter which home the children are in at the moment.

Sit down and discuss what rules the children need to abide by. Start with general rules, such as “No lying” and then go on to more specific rules for home, school and more. See which rules you both can agree on and add them to your parenting plan.

Discuss discipline. Often, Discipline is one area where parents have a very difficult time agreeing. After all, most families know which parent is the “nice” one and which one is the “strict” parent. Also discuss when you should use punishment should, and try to come to an agreement so that your children won’t try to manipulate their parents.

Set consistent tolerances for your children’s behavior. Every parent will tell you that their children know when they have pushed too far. Discuss what is “too far” in terms of your children’s behavior. A system without consistency will confuse younger children with what you allow at one house and what is not at the other.

Keep the Plan Focused on the Kids

These are just a few of tips to help you create a parenting plan. But remember that everything you do needs to be in the best interests of the children. Keeping this as your focus will surprise you as to how much easier it is to create an effective parenting plan.

If you and your children’s other parent cannot agree, it may be time to return to court to have the judge determine some issues in the plan. Your attorney can help you learn more about what to expect if that occurs.

Source:, “3 tips for creating a parenting plan with your co-parent,” Maggie McGill, accessed April 21, 2017